Greater Anacostia EOC
A U.S. Department of Education Federal TRIO Program
"Serving the Metropolitan Washington DC Area (DC, MD and Northern VA)"
The purpose of Greater Anacostia EOC is to provide information regarding financial and academic assistance available to individuals who desire to pursue a program of postsecondary education; provide assistance to individuals in applying for admission to institutions that offer programs of postsecondary education, including assistance in preparing necessary applications for use by admissions and financial aid officers; and provide information regarding financial and economic literacy to participants.
The Greater Anacostia EOC is to counsel participants on financial aid options, including basic financial planning skills, and to assist in the application process. The goal of the program is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in postsecondary education institutions. Greater Anacostia EOC projects and programs may include:
Public information campaigns designed to inform the community about opportunities for postsecondary education and training
Academic advice and assistance in course selection
Assistance in completing college admission and financial aid applications
Assistance in preparing for college entrance examinations
Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of participants
Guidance on secondary school reentry or entry to a General Educational
Development (GED) program or other alternative education program for secondary school dropouts
Individualized personal, career, and academic counseling
Tutorial services
Career workshops and counseling
Mentoring programs involving elementary or secondary school teachers, faculty members at institutions of higher education, students, or any combination of these persons
Programs and activities described above that are specially designed for participants who are limited English proficient, participants from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, participants who are individuals with disabilities, participants who are homeless children and youth, participants who are foster care youth, or other disconnected participants
Other activities designed to meet the purposes of Greater Anacostia EOC
For more information please click here.